首先,收获后将花枝与植物分开,并且最初被根部吸收的水被切断。然而,花和叶的水分蒸腾仍在继续,因此供水短缺,其生命活动只能靠自身储存的水来维持。 (一般花是3至5天)。由于缺水,人体的水分平衡被破坏,导致生理代谢异常,花朵将迅速凋谢和褪色。这是切花损失的重要原因。
第二,随着鲜切花的开放过程,人体逐渐产生一种叫做乙烯的物质,该物质是一种成熟剂,可以加速花朵的衰老并缩短花朵的寿命。 A large number of experiments at home and abroad have proved that the ethylene species produced in cut flowers is the internal cause of premature aging of cut flowers.
Third, after the flowering branch is cut, it is easy to breed a large number of microorganisms due to its base incision. The propagules and metabolites of these microorganisms invade the catheter, which will directly block the catheter and affect the absorption of water and nutrients. This is also a cause of the decline in cut flowers.
2. Method of extending the life of cut flowersThe cut flowers are fresh and tender, people always hope that "good flowers are always open" and extend its viewing time. The following fresh-keeping measures can be taken to extend their life.
(1) Appropriate treatment of flowering branches: For branches with softer branches, such as gladiolus, dahlia, chrysanthemum, etc. wrap the base with paper for the incision and soak the hot water at 80 degrees Celsius In the middle, it takes 2~3 minutes to remove and insert into the bottle, which can play the role of infarct incision, prevent the juice from overflowing in the flowering tissue, thus prolonging the flowering period; for plum, plum, rose, rose, peony, rhododendron and other woody Flowering branch, put the end on the candle flame and burn it, then cut off the burnt part, then put it in the alcohol solution for about 1 minute, take it out, put it into clean water, rinse it, and finally insert it into the bottle. It can prevent the transporting tissue of the flowering branches from being blocked and hinder the water absorption, and prevent the branch cuttings immersed in the water from being infected by the bacteria, so that the flowers are continuously supplied with water, thereby maintaining the fresh-keeping effect. In addition, some woody branches with a lot of juice, such as poinsettia, can also be treated by the above method.
4应该正确放置花艺:在花艺维护过程中,请勿将花艺放置在直射的阳光下,也不要将其放置在窗户和暖气,火炉和电炉子附近,以免刮风,晒太阳或受热。它将加速花材的呼吸作用和水的蒸腾作用,使花朵凋谢。最好将其放置在光线较低且空气流通较低的地方。 同时也不能将插花摆放在成熟水果附近,因为水果在后熟作用中会释放出乙燦气体,而切花只要遇到少量乙烯,就会过早凋谢,缩短寿命,故一定要远离水果。
⑤ 使用具有保鲜效果的物质:如在500克水中放入碾成粉末状的阿司匹林半片,或用4000倍的高锰酸钾溶液,对多种花卉来说,均可延长观花期3~5天。又如取洗洁精少许,配成2% 浓度的溶